
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

a journey to health

begins with baby steps.

well, i am starting my journey.  i joined a class that is called "eat, move and improve."  it goes for eight weeks and hopes to educate me on my choices, my health, and all things related.  we had our first meeting last night at the cool restaurant here in town called k'nyay.  it's awesome.  all healthy and gorgeous foods.  i cannot wait to go back on friday night.  i cannot wait to share the goodness with paul.  :)

for the next few days i have to work on making a plan for myself--what i can eat, what i will eat, what i need to buy to make this happen, talking to our awesome housekeeper and explain the banned foods to her, coming up with a plan b when in sticky situations.  there must be a plan.  i love the quote--those who fail to plan, plan to fail.  i know this to be true.  i have to have a plan so i can be successful.  on thursday, i will begin a 30 day elimination detox that involves NOT eating any of the following in any form for 30 days---no caffeine, no dairy, no wheat or gluten, no sugar, no processed foods, and no alcohol.  should be an adventure for sure.

today i just started small since there was already lunch in the fridge for me.  i skipped my morning coffee this morning (blerg) or sugar.  one small step.  i have been journaling all my food, how i am feeling, water intake and anything else related.  i have had a chronic headache since last week and hope that cleansing my system will help eliminate them all together.  so far, so good.

baby steps, mandy, baby steps.  follow me, encourage me, pray for me, and hope that i can see benefits before i get sidetracked.  i need and want to be healthy.


  1. is so hard but then after a while, you realize your body is better without it but then you love it so and you start drinking the coffee hard to moderate sometimes..will pray for you..i know how you feel!

  2. Way to go, Mandy! The first step is always the hardest, but also the best way to start... don't jump head first, just start stepping!

  3. It's great you've found this group there in PP. I made a similar decision about 4 yrs. ago that basically: you are what you eat! Exactly what my mother always said. LOL I read a book called Best Life Ever by Bob Greene & have adapted that for us. Still a work in progress as I still have wt. to lose. Good luck on your journey. Linda

  4. Begins with baby steps...reminds me of the turtle and the hare story. The turtle takes turtle steps (baby steps), making slow progress, sometimes taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back, but he perseveres. The hare jets on ahead, full force, then gives up...The turtle crosses the finishes line. Yeah for turtle/baby steps!
    Mandy, I'm cheering you on!

  5. thanks for the encouragement! i am excited and hoping that i can make it happen. i seem to talk about it a lot, but not take any action.

  6. It hard but so worth it. You will fel better
