so here we's almost mid september and i find myself being inspired to blog and share on the world wide web again.
we had a FABULOUS summer holiday! it was quite nice to be away even though it was a long time. we went to tokyo, seoul, seattle, a cruise to alaska, and then to houston. a fun time was had by both of us.
the school year has started and it's going well. i am quite pleased with my change--i moved down to teach a mixed class of 2nd and 3rd graders. it's taken about this long (31 days) to find our groove as a class and feel like we are hitting the stride now. i love the kiddos i have and find so many times through out the day when they just make me smile. i have 17 of them which a nice number too. i hope that it continues to go well and i continue to grow as a teacher.
five days from now i turn 34 which is quite hard to believe. i feel younger than 34. it's interesting to think that i potentially have completed about 1/3 of my life. weird, exciting, morbid, and a bit scary. i am looking forward to spending time with paul and our friends here in phnom penh.
we are having a mini vacation this weekend here in phnom penh.....we are going to stay at the sofitel for two nights to "get away" and spoil ourselves. i am excited and looking forward to "unplugging" for the weekend. paul knows how to make me happy for sure. he is amazing.
on the 23rd we are going to thailand for a week long holiday. i am also super excited about this trip. we are revisiting a favorite in northern thailand called chang mai. really great food, fabulous used book shops (a whole street of them) and some funky, eclectic shopping. we will spend the first part of the week in chang mai then on wednesday we will fly down to bangkok for some big city fun (read lots of shopping for things we cannot get here in phnom penh). yes, i have created a list of things to look for and get while there. it should be fun.
we have a new addition at our house....her name is pip squeak. she is now just over 2 months old and is a lovely creamy and orange color. we should have considered dreamsicle as a name b/c that is what her coloring reminds me of. she is spunky, fiesty and cuddly, not to mention too cute. here's a pic of her in action with one of her favorite toys---yarn....

in other big news i have signed up to run/walk a 3K in december. i cannot believe i have really done it, but it's true. i have always wanted to do something like this, but never had the motivation. i am not quite sure about the motivation at this point, but i am signed up and going. it will take place on sunday, dec 4th in siem reap and should be quite nice of a run/walk. it will be out near angkor wat so the scenery will be cool to look at. at this time of year the weather has cooled quite a bit for here so it should be fab weather to be outside doing physical activity. for now, i need to start my couch to 5K and get moving on a regular basis. this is my goal for now. the couch to 5K is 9 weeks and there is 12 until race day. so my planned start date for training is monday, oct 3rd. prayers are appreciated .... i know i will be proud and happy once i have done it, but at the moment i am still not feeling quite sure about my decision.